sammy ilesanmi
4 min readFeb 25, 2021


Sometime ago, I learnt something from a video I watched while surfing Facebook that someone whom I know knows someone that knows someone, that knows someone, that knows someone…, that knows the president. From these, it happens that the world is connected. We are all connected. Technology has made this easier because we can now easily reach each other with just a dial. The person with the solution to your problem could just be the friend of the neighbor you don’t talk to. Hence, Networking.

What is Networking?

Networking is the action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts. It really has to be conscious. A business man will understand this properly. You have a product to be sold, another needs the product but there isn’t any link between you two simply because you both aren’t ‘friends’.

Business owners may network to develop relationships with people and companies they may do business with in the future. Big companies understand this and creates network platforms to network professionals.

As stated above, Networking isn’t just fro the professional business world, it extends to our social life. Getting to meet new people and know this people and still maintain relationships after time of meeting is a skill worth learning — NETWORKING.

Why should I network?

Hey, did I hear you ask that question? Why should you network? why can’t you just be??

Let me show you few reasons why you should network and few of these reasons are:

  1. To be valuable.

Life is about exchange. We all need each other just like computers network. You really can’t be alone. Life is designed for networking. Family, friends and so on. You have something to offer and same as others. So, NETWORK.

2. 35% of surveyed professional say that a casual conversation on LinkedIn Messaging has led to a new opportunity.

3. 61% of professionals agree that regular online interaction with their professional network can lead the way into possible job opportunities.

4. 80% of professionals consider professional networking to be important to career success.

Ewww… those are facts 😘😘

What are the types networking?

Networking can be classified into:

  1. Real life networking.

The real, physical type… examples are physical events, church, club etc

2. Online networking.

This happens on social medias. People you haven’t met before and might not meet.

BUT the types are:

  1. Business networking

Business owners network to develop relationships with people and companies they may do business with in the future. These connections help them establish rapport and trust among people in their own communities.

2. Social networking

This involves relationships with friends revolving around trends, fashion, music, sex, fun, partying, etc.

3. Career networking

This is getting to meet people related to your career. This kind of networking can benefit career-wise and cause you to learn more about your field, or another field you’d like to work in.

How to network?

To network, to build that connection of people, the following will help through:

  1. Be deliberate.

Networking is a goal. Be intentional.

2. Be your best self

Don’t fake it. Be you.

3. learn

Because you’re deliberate, you should seek for means to get better.

4. Art of business card.

5. Remembering names.

This cannot be under emphasized. Remembering names of people and calling them by their names puts you both in a social sense.

Golden rule:

Help yourself by helping your network.

The more people you help, the more help you’ll have. That’s on great benefit of Networking.

When you’re speaking with people, think about answering the following questions:

— What motivates this person?

— What is important to them?

— What energizes them?

— What do they love to talk about?

— What shuts them down or closes them off?

— What do they value?

You should make it your goal to answer these questions about every person you are speaking with to give yourself a social mission. Before you know it, the person will find you fascinating.


Lemme share with you some basic networking tips:

  1. Become a Master mentor/ mentee
  2. Learn to increase your social circle.
  3. Make lasting impressions.
  4. Follow up

In conclusion,

Networking is a science that needs to be practiced. Take a few calculated social risks and you will be rewarded with some amazing new relationships!

I hope you learnt something?

Just to remind you, it was what I learnt from a virtual class.

Courtesy of GemMine.

The class was handled by Sir Promise.

Now let me tell you of folks I have networked with in GemMine

Firstly, Zion.

Zion is the PRM of GemMine. We bonded cause she helped me through the whole processes. She’s cool.

Secondly, Oluwatomisin Fatunase

She’s part of the GemMine hardskill class — python. She’s my padi.

Also, Mide Albert and Adebayo Jesutofunmi…

We’ve really been assisting each other through.

So, that’s all for me

Thank you for reading.

Photo by Ed Robertson on Unsplash